2025 Outstanding History Teacher Award application
The QHTA each year invites nominations of teachers, who have demonstrated outstanding contributions in the field of History teaching. These awards are sponsored by ‘WorldStrides’.
2025 Outstanding History Teacher Awards nomination forms
2024 Outstanding History Teacher Award recipients
Ben Hegarty, Stuartholme School
Ahna Munro, Caboolture State High School
Sarah Coleman, MacKillop Catholic College, Mount Peter
Dr Natalie Fong, Citipointe Christian College
Vince Wall, All Hallows’ School
Sarah Coleman, Ben Hegarty, and Ahna Munro
2023 Outstanding History Teacher Award recipients
Dr Glenn Davies
Awarded to Dr Glenn Davies for the outstanding qualities he has demonstrated in his classroom teaching of History, his contributions to the professional development of History teachers and his involvement in curriculum development.
The teaching of Dr Davies is recognised by the Queensland History Teachers’ Association as being characterised by a deep knowledge, passion and pedagogical skill, that has inspired student interest, learning and achievement.
Similarly, his contribution to the professional knowledge and development of History teachers through his involvement in curriculum committees, conference presentations, textbook writing and role as editor of numerous e-journals has been outstanding.
Kelly Chase
Awarded to Kelly Chase for her creative and innovative approach to teaching History and her contribution to the professional development of teachers through her presentations at Teachmeets and conferences.
The Queensland History Teachers’ Association recognises the outstanding work Kelly has done on History Detective, at first a podcast and now a YouTube channel for both students and teachers.
Featuring original songs written to suit each episode about the lives of often unknown people, History Detective engages the audience in a unique manner.
Doris Haddock
Awarded to Doris Haddock for a professional lifetime of commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. She is recognised by the Queensland History Teachers’ Association as an outstanding teacher who has a rare capacity to inspire students through her enthusiasm, her story-telling ability and her immense breadth and depth of knowledge. Her passion for teaching History and generosity in assisting her colleagues has meant that Doris is held in high regard by students and colleagues alike, all of whom acknowledge her as an exceptional and inspirational educator.
2019 Outstanding History Teacher Award recipients
Ms Dianna Platt, Carmel College
Mrs Kerry Daud, St Pauls School
Mr Michael Cocks, Toowoomba Grammar and History Skills
Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell, University of Queensland
Associate Professor Tom Stevenson, University of Queensland