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Curriculum Information
03 May 2024
QHTA submission relating to the workings of the current QCE system
View here: //
22 September 2023
QHTA submission – Draft 2 for Ancient History and Modern History syllabuses
View here: //
8 July 2021
QHTA Submission to ACARA on the 7-10 History Consultation Curriculum
24 March 2020
Minister’s response on QHTA concerns over the mock examination documents
QHTA Members: Note the Members’ section of this website now has a full copy of the letter from Minister Grace Grace’s office re QHTA concerns over the mock examination documents. We are disappointed in this response from the Minister to the QHTA submission (link). QHTA will continue to represent the best interests of History teachers and their students by lobbying the QCAA for better outcomes. We would appreciate if you would also lend your ‘voice’ by emailing QCAA your concerns directly. It would be helpful if you would also copy/blind copy us in.
Non-members: The letter from Minister Grace Grace includes the following statement:
As you would be aware, the QCAA is an independent statutory body established under the
Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014 (the Act), and is responsible for the development of curriculum and assessment in Queensland. I acknowledge the concerns raised about the 2020 mock external assessments for ancient and modern history, but it is important to note that QCAA is autonomous in its operations. Under the Act, neither the Minister nor the Department of Education has the power to intervene in QCAA’s development or content of curriculum and assessment.
In response to the concerns you outlined, QCAA was requested to provide information on the development and implementation of the sample 2020 external mock assessments for ancient and modern history.
QCAA advised it is aware of QHTA’s concerns and these were considered by QCAA’s Senior Curriculum and Assessment Branch. QCAA undertook a review of the assessments in response to issues raised by QHTA and determined that significant revisions to the sample external assessments for either Ancient History or Modern History are not required at this time.
22 December 2019
Ministerial Submission on Mock External Assessments for Ancient History and Modern History
Please find attached
- Letter outlining serious concerns that QHTA and its membership have with the quality of the mock external assessment materials: //
- Queensland History Teachers’ Association (QHTA) Ministerial Submission on the Mock external assessments for Ancient History and Modern History. The submission has been redacted to ensure the security of the the ‘school use only paper’ is not breached on the public section of the website: //
These documents have been sent to the Education Minister the Hon Grace Grace and a copy to Chris Rider QCAA.
24 September 2018
A position paper from QHTA relating to Senior History syllabuses v1.1
The QHTA continues to work with QCAA to improve aspects of the Ancient and Modern History syllabus documents, particularly in relation to the objectives and ISMGs. Our aim is to ensure that these documents are accessible, transparent and valid. The changes we are seeking will not add to teacher workloads but rather make our jobs easier. The latest paper from QHTA to QCAA can be viewed at //
Contact Details
Queensland History Teachers’ Association Inc
ABN: 77 270 249 802
PO Box 1029. New Farm QLD 4005
Phone: 0418 764 574

For QHTA Membership Enquiries:
Sandra Kenman
For enquiries or comments regarding this website: